
Pillar III of the Basel II accord includes all of the following requirements for internationally active banks except:

A) Aformal disclosure policy should be established, and supported by a bank’s board of directors.

B) Banks should operate above minimum regulatory capital ratios.

C) Financial statements that fairly reflect financial condition should be published regularly.

D) There should be specific remedial actions in the event of nondisclosure.


解析:The requirement to operate above minimum regulatory capital ratios is a requirement laid out in Pillar II regarding the interaction of supervisors and internationally active banks. Note that Pillar III relates to market discipline and disclosure.

Each of the following is true about the Standardized Approach (SA) to operational risk under Basel III except which is false?

A) Wheres the Basic IndicatorApproach (BIA) use Gross Income for the whole institution as a proxy for the scale of business operations, the standardized approach (SA) calculates the capital charge for each business line by multiplying its gross income by a factor (denoted beta) assigned to that business line

B) The beta factor in the StandardizedApproach (SA) serves as a proxy for the industrywide relationship between the operational risk loss experience for a given business line and the aggregate level of gross income for that business line

C) Under the standardized approach (SA), business units that fail to provision expected operational losses must calibrate their risk charge based on the unexpected loss at 99.99% confidence level (i.e.,rather than 99.9%) over a one-year horizon

D) Anational supervisor can allow a bank to use theAlternative Standardized Approach (ASA) which replaces gross income with loans and advances forl retail and commercial banking business lines


解析:As stated, the TRUE statement is: “This definition [of operational risk ] includes legal risk, but excludes strategic and reputational risk.” In regard to (A), (C) and (D) each in true . In regard to (C),please note that under BIA, “Fingers for any year in which annual gross income is negative or zero should be excluded from both the numerator and denominator when calculating the average.”