2024年12月1日GARP協(xié)會公布了2025年FRM最新考綱,25年FRM二級變動最大的科目:(Market Risk Measurement&Management)市場風險管理和(Currentlssues)金融案例,其余科目基本保持不變。


流動性和資金風險計量與管理(Liquidity and Treasury Risk Measurement and Management)占比15%:沒有變化

市場風險管理與測量(Market Risk Measurement and Management)占比20%

Chapter 4: Backtesting VaR

原考綱:Verify a model based on exceptions or failure rates.

現改為:Evaluate the accuracy of a VaR model based on exceptions or failure rates by using a model verification test.

Chapter 6: Validating Bank Holding Companies' Value-at-Risk Models for Market Risk

原第六章《Messages from the Academic Literature on Risk Measurement for the Trading Book》刪除


Describe some important considerations for a bank in assessing the conceptual soundness of a VaR model during the validation process.

Explain how to conduct sensitivity analysis for a VaR model, and describe the potential benefits and challenges of performing such an analysis.

Describe the challenges a financial institution could face when calculating confidence intervals for VaR.

Discuss the challenges in benchmarking VaR models and various approaches proposed to overcome them.

Chapter 7: Beyond Exceedance-Based Backtesting of Value-at-Risk Models: Methods for Backtesting the Entire Forecasting Distribution Using Probability Integral Transform


Identify the properties of an exceedance-based backtest that indicate a VaR model is accurate, and describe how these properties are reflected in a PIT-based backtest.

Explain how to derive probability integral transforms (PITs) in the context of validating a VaR model.

Describe how the shape of the distribution of PITs can be used as an indicator of the quality of a VaR model.

Describe backtesting using PITs,and compare the various goodness-of-fittests that can be used to evaluate the distribution of PITs: the Kolmogorov-Smimov test, the Anderson-Darling test, and the Cramér-von Mises test.

Chapter 13: Expectations,Risk Premium, Convexity, and the Shape of the Term Structure


Evaluate the impact of changes in maturity, yield, and volatility on the convexity of a security.

Calculate the price and return of a zero-coupon bond incorporating a risk premium.


Identify the components into which the return on a bond can be decomposed,and calculate the expected return on a bond for a risk-averse investor.

信用風險管理與測量(Credit Risk Measurement and Management)占比20%

Chapter 5: Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling and Assessment

原考綱:Estimate capital adequacy ratio of a financial institution.

現改為:Estimate risk-weighted assets and capital adequacy ratio of a financial institution.

操作風險與彈性(Operational Risk and Resilience)占比20%

Chapter 3: Risk Identification

原考綱:Describe best practices in the process of scenario analysis for operationalrisk.

現改為:Describe best practices in extreme risk identification for operational risk.

投資風險管理(Risk Management and Investment Management)占比15%

Chapter 3: Alpha (and the Low-Risk Anomaly)

原考綱:Describe Grinold’sfundamental law of active management, including its assumptions and limitations, and calculate the information ratio using this law.

現改為:Describe Grinold’sfundamental law of active management, including its assumptions and limitations, and calculate the maximum attainable information ratio using this law.

金融市場前沿(Current Issues)占比10%


'2023 Bank Failures, Preliminary lessons learnt for resolution'

'Generative Artificial Intelligence in Finance: Risk Considerations'

'BIS Annual Economic Report, Section 3.Artificial intelligence and the economy: implications for central banks'

'Interest Rate Risk Management byEME Banks'

'BIS Annual Economic Report,Section 1.Laying a robust macro-financial foundation for the future'

'The Last Mile:Financial Vulnerabilities and Risks, Chapter 2: The Rise and Risks of Private Credit'

'BIS Annual Economic Report,Section 2.Monetary and fiscal policy:safeguarding stability and trust'

'Regulating the Crypto Ecosystem:The Case of Unbacked Crypto Assets'